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Sobre nuestros servicios

En Sustentravel, somos apasionados por Jujuy y su cultura. Nos diferenciamos por ofrecer experiencias auténticas y personalizadas que van más allá del turismo convencional. Contamos con un equipo de guías locales expertos, que aman su tierra y comparten su conocimiento y pasión en cada recorrido. Además, nos comprometemos con el turismo responsable y sostenible, buscando minimizar nuestro impacto en el medio ambiente y apoyar a las comunidades locales.

En Sustentravel, queremos que cada viajero tenga la experiencia que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades y preferencias. Por eso, ofrecemos tres modalidades diferentes para nuestras excursiones:

  • Excursiones Privadas: Estas excursiones están diseñadas para aquellos que buscan una experiencia totalmente personalizada. Al contratar una excursión privada, el itinerario, el ritmo y la atención se adaptan a los intereses y requerimientos específicos de tu grupo. Es ideal para familias, grupos de amigos o viajeros que buscan una experiencia exclusiva y flexible. Los precios pueden cotizarse a medida según el tamaño del grupo y las características de la excursión.
  • Salidas Programadas: Las salidas programadas son excursiones con fechas fijas y precios establecidos. Estas salidas se realizan en grupos pequeños, con un itinerario predefinido y una atención personalizada. Son una excelente opción para aquellos que buscan unirse a otros viajeros y disfrutar de una experiencia grupal sin perder la calidad y la atención individual. Es importante reservar con anticipación, ya que las plazas son limitadas y se completan rápidamente, especialmente en temporada alta.
  • Excursiones Regulares: En esta modalidad, trabajamos en colaboración con otras agencias de confianza que operan servicios regulares. Al reservar una excursión regular a través de Sustentravel, te aseguramos un servicio de calidad y una experiencia gratificante. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que la gestión y la atención durante la excursión estarán a cargo de la agencia operadora.

En nuestras excursiones, priorizamos el alojamiento en establecimientos rurales y familiares que ofrecen una experiencia auténtica y cálida. En cuanto a la gastronomía, trabajamos con chefs locales que utilizan productos de la región y preparan platos deliciosos con sabores ancestrales. Ofrecemos opciones vegetarianas, veganas y para celíacos cuando se solicitan con anticipación, siempre respetando las necesidades y preferencias de cada viajero.

En Sustentravel, nos preocupamos por tu comodidad y seguridad en cada momento de tu viaje. Para los traslados, nos adaptamos a las necesidades de cada grupo, utilizando vehículos que varían según el tamaño y los requerimientos específicos. Para nuestras experiencias de aventura, utilizamos camionetas doble cabina 4×4 de alta calidad. Estos vehículos son ideales para acceder a los caminos de montaña y a los terrenos difíciles que caracterizan la Puna y la Quebrada de Humahuaca, garantizando un viaje seguro y confortable. Todos nuestros vehículos son mantenidos regularmente para asegurar el mejor desempeño.”

La seguridad es nuestra prioridad. Trabajamos con guías expertos y capacitados en primeros auxilios. Contamos con seguros de pasajeros y utilizamos equipos y vehículos en óptimas condiciones. Además, adaptamos las actividades al nivel y condición física de cada grupo y te brindaremos toda la información necesaria para disfrutar de la experiencia con tranquilidad.

espuesta Sugerida: “El turismo sostenible es un pilar fundamental en Sustentravel. Nos comprometemos a minimizar nuestro impacto ambiental, respetando la flora y fauna local, y a apoyar a las comunidades locales mediante la contratación de guías y servicios locales. Promovemos el respeto a la cultura andina y buscamos que cada viajero se conecte de manera responsable con el entorno y la gente de Jujuy.

Compras Online

Sí, ¡por supuesto! En Sustentravel, la seguridad de tus datos es nuestra prioridad. Utilizamos tecnología de encriptación SSL para proteger tu información personal y financiera. Nuestra pasarela de pago es segura y confiable, y trabajamos con métodos de pago reconocidos. Podés comprar con total tranquilidad, sabiendo que tus datos están protegidos.

Para tu comodidad, aceptamos una variedad de métodos de pago online. Podés pagar con tarjetas de crédito (Visa, Mastercard, etc.), tarjetas de débito y, en algunos casos, a través de plataformas de pago como Mercado Pago. También, podés consultar la opción de pago por transferencia bancaria. Al momento de realizar tu reserva, te mostraremos todas las opciones disponibles

Después de realizar tu pago, recibirás un correo electrónico de confirmación con los detalles de tu reserva. Este correo incluye un número de confirmación y toda la información relevante sobre la excursión o el servicio que has contratado. Si no recibís el correo de confirmación en unos minutos, te recomendamos revisar tu bandeja de spam o contactarnos a través de nuestros canales de atención para que te podamos ayudar.

Reservar online en nuestro sitio web tiene muchas ventajas. Primero, te ofrece la comodidad de reservar cuando y donde quieras, sin horarios de atención. Segundo, tenés acceso a toda la información de nuestros productos y servicios, precios y fechas disponibles. Además, podés comparar diferentes opciones y elegir la que mejor se adapte a tus preferencias. Y, por último, podés aprovechar ofertas y promociones exclusivas que sólo están disponibles en nuestra web.

Si tenés algún inconveniente durante el proceso de compra online, no te preocupes. Nuestro equipo de soporte está listo para ayudarte. Podés contactarnos a través de WhatsApp, email o teléfono y resolveremos cualquier problema o duda que tengas. Queremos que tu experiencia de compra sea lo más fácil y placentera posible.


We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.

Consejos para tu viaje

We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.
We’re always working to get your orders on their way to you as quickly as we can. Most orders will be dispatched within 2-4 business days, though there may be some delays around sales and peak periods. You’ll get a notification when your order has started its journey.

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